Your Keyboard As A Mouse


October 5, 2022

Setting up a Raspberry Pi can be frustrating if you’re not prepared. On the manual route of flashing an SD card and navigating the alpha soup of cable connectors (USB Mini, USB C, HDMI to Mini HDMI), the other potential sticking points are the input and output devices. So it was that one day I dodged all the potential bullets before being painfully shot with a missing mouse. “If only I could use a keyboard as a mouse,” put me down the road that led to this article.

First I tried synthesizing this keyboard enhancement drug in Python with pyinput and pyautogui. That worked in testing but I couldn’t get it to work with systemd as a permanent application. Someone helpfully pointed out that there were some lower level shenanigans going on, but I wasn’t sure how to proceed so I abandoned this work for a while.

I forget the catalyst for its revival, but somehow I came across the exact architecture I needed to use: 1 2. xbindkeys and xte became the keys to my success.

sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install xbindkeys -y
sudo apt-get install xautomation -y
touch ~/.xbindkeysrc
xbindkeys --key # find name of key
killall -s1 xbindkeys # make xbindkeys reload config
xbindkeys # start xbindkeys daemon
xbindkeys -f ~/.xbindkeysrc

And inside the .xbindkeysrc config file:

# Keyboard as Mouse

# move mouse up (with alt+w)
"xte 'mousermove 0 -10'"

# move mouse down
"xte 'mousermove 0 10'"

# move mouse left
"xte 'mousermove -10 0'"

# move mouse right
"xte 'mousermove 10 0'"

# left click
"sleep 1 && xte 'mouseclick 1'"

# right click
"sleep 1 && xte 'mouseclick 3'"